Tehnička autonomija i problem otpornosti (Widerständigkeit)
Predavanje se fokusira na problem otpornosti u naprednim IT tehnologijama koje pretenduju na
status „autonomnih“ tehnologija. Pritom, markirajući uslove mogućnosti i ograničenja, koncept
otpornosti se ispostavlja kao transcendentalnofilozofski. Zahtev za autonomijom se preispituje
ukazivanjem na njene uslove. Dalje, pokazuje se da informacioni pristup stvarnosti dostiže samo
tipološki, ali ne i događajni, singularni i konkretni kvalitet doživljaja, koji podleže principu
individuacije. U osnovi, intencionalnost, unutrašnje i istorijsko iskustvo vremena, evaluacija,
događajnost, singularnost i neposrednost mogu se identifikovati kao dimenzije otpornosti koje se
suprotstavljaju autonomiji i u jakom i u slabom smislu.
Technical autonomy and the problem of resistance (Widerständigkeit)
The lecture focuses on the problem of resistance in advanced information technologies that claim to
be ‘autonomous’. The concept of resistance is identified as a transcendental philosophical one,
marking conditions of possibility and limits. The claim to autonomy is examined by exposing its
conditions. Furthermore, it is shown that informational accesses to reality only reach the typological,
but not the eventful, the singular and the concrete quality of experience, which are subject to the
individuation principle. Basically, intentionality, inner and historical experience of time, evaluation,
eventfulness, singularity and immediacy can be identified as dimensions of resistance, which oppose
autonomy in a strong as well as in a weak sense.
Prof.dr. Klaus Vigerling je do svog penzionisanja bio aktivan u istraživačkim projektima na KIT-ITAS u
Karlsrueu. Predaje na raznim univerzitetima. Poslednja publikacija: “Die ethische Bewertung von Big
Data“ (Etičko vrednovanje u pogledu na Big Data) (Springer 2023).
Prof. Dr. Klaus Wiegerling was researcher at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems
Analysis at KIT Karlsruhe until his retirement. He teaches at various universities. Last book
publication: “Die ethische Bewertung von Big Data” (The Ethical Assessment of Big Data) (Springer
Datum: 9. oktobar, ponedjeljak, Filozofski fakultet BL (uč. 319).
Vrijeme: 12-14 h
Napomena: predavanje se održava na njemačkom jeziku uz obezbijeđen konsekutivni prevod na srpski jezik.